zondag 29 januari 2012

Ronald on the role

And Ronald is back from 3 weeks in Stellenbosch.
Offcourse I tried to keep up with whats was going on. On the other hand.... I knew he was in very good hands so for me it was a kind of a holiday from paralympic-issues.

Until..... Ferenc told me he was frustrated about Ronalds backache.
He's didn't had a backache since we train with Ferenc.
He trained hard on his new back-excercises and technique... SO... ????
Not that I could change anything about this but Africa felt further away then I hoped.

The day after this frustrating message Ronald let me know he didn't train because the training-building was closed on a sunday ....and his javelins were in the building.
DAMN..... What's happening ? where is the focus ??????
You don't want to know what I thought. I don't want to recap.

Than the next day. SUPRISE ME ! preferable with good news.
It was the day he threw full force but technically as focusses as possible.
59,20 !!!  in training.... in januari.....in an olympic year.

as I said: he was in very good hands!
I will hear about it next wednesday....can't wait

It all started in juli 2011, budapest. Here just 3 minutes before our first meeting with Ferenc Paragi.

Just some facts to put the above in perspective:
Ronalds personal best and European record: 56,76 mtr

dinsdag 10 januari 2012

A once in a lifetime experience

Oke, we've had New Year's Eve and so every top-athlete has twittered that 2012 started.  Surprise....
"The most important year of my life."   "The year dreams will come true" etc etc
Hashtags like: #focusLondon  #onto2012 #DPTontherole etc etc

And Ronald.... a master in excuses why he's unable to keep fans, familie and sponsors up-to-date. Busy busy busy.
Just hope he's busy going for gold. To all fans of him: I know he is.
Last january 10th he flew with the Dutch Paratletics Team to South Africa. No difference in time (no jetlag) and a lot of sun!

photographer: Teammate Stefan Rusch / januari 2012 Stellenbosch RSA
But...the perfect place to train should bring more than just a lot of sun.
As you know by now we search for the perfect coach to help him.
Our plan to take the perfect route to gold, by working with Ferenc Paragi, continues.

Ferenc is coaching him in the next 3 weeks. A once in a lifetime experience!!
it can't get any COOLER in the sun!
Good luck to them both! After what I've seen in the last 2 month in Rotterdam I expect it to be thrilling.