dinsdag 10 april 2012

First throwing session

Yesterday, finally the first throwing session in Tata was  a fact. It showed we have a lot to do. I think Ferenc was as anxious as Ronald. He didn't let Ronald throw much, but the amount of comments on his technique were numerous. No worries though. This is a period where every detail counts,  so... BRING IT ON!
Just need to find the right dosage to process it all.

Forteen more days and nine throwingsessions to go.
no it's not the jive or chachacha

Every throw with a maximum focus and concentration from Ronald, to get the most out of these two weeks.
I'm confident it will work out great.
This morning Ronald threw some weights around, did some sprints and hurdle-jumps. All nice and well... I'm just looking forward to the next throwing session this afternoon.

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