donderdag 19 april 2012

The future is bright

Finally a sunny day as we expected them all to be. The weather here isn't bad but it could be better. (OMG I'm japping about the weather....).

Morning training was good and we expected a lot from the afternoon. A long throwing-session. I think Ferenc had just about 80 remarks about Ronalds throwing. Comparisons with the throwing in Stellenbosch (last January) were made. Just enough for Ronald and me to sit all evening with two laptops, comparising throws. Good thing we tape nearly every throw.

We concluded that it does make a different if you throw in 35 degrees or 25 degrees Celcius.  It's been a good, long, intensive, instructive day. Two more throwingsessions to go here in Tata. I take it the weather in Holland will be sunny by then (....damn I japping again).
Good night!

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