vrijdag 13 april 2012

it's all about quality

Day 5 already. What can I say; the life of an athlete in training is all about
- training
- resting
- eating
- massage and sauna

Ferenc Paragi is the coach and I'm just watching (and learning). Sometimes forcing an answer from Ferenc, just to let Ronald hear it. Ferenc is the boss. He's in charge from september 2011 till september 2012. Major decisions and reassurances (when needed) should come from him.

For example:
Yesterday-morning Ronald spilled his thoughts on finding his training in Tata a bit easy. He just needed to hear from Ferenc it's all about quality now. Heavy work has been done.

The result of it shown by Ronald did raise Ferenc his eyebrows sometimes
(very funny!). Will the building hold if Ronald throws a 3 kilo- ball against it ? (....we both wondered yesterday morning).
In the afternoon javelin flew a respectable distance (every day a bit further), iron was pushed fairly easy afterwards....and his morning-thoughts vanished in thin air.

THIS morning Ronald did some runs with the javelin.... Did I mention we are looking forward to a good throwingsession this afternoon?

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